Needing first Aid😢.

Oluwasolafunmi Adejokun
3 min readJan 15, 2021

The lazy side of me didn’t agree with my work ethic side to making any New Year goals till the early morning of the 2nd. We are always in conflict and it sometimes always depends on where I am but it works. Despite this, I had this epiphany that I would work harder, read more, have so much more certifications, post more content on the gram, Medium and Snapchat; in that order. However till date, I haven’t created any post on the gram for the New Year, this is my first medium column and my Snap score is wayyy below 100. I already feel like I’m failing, to be honest.

However, I must interest you on the fact that I have read one amazing book so far (Kramer vs. Kramer), watched a lot of Trevor Noah jokes and shamefully binged watched six seasons of Chicken Girls on YouTube 🤦🏾‍♀️(Moya look away). These achievements and the lack thereof proves my point- My resolutions are falling apart. For someone whose writing on tips to gain momentum in the New Year was featured, this is really sloppy.

As much as this may sound hopeless, I have this steadfast belief that I shouldn’t wait till the start of a new day/week/month before I get the job done. I can do things immediately. And also, it is still too early to look forward to 2022 without giving 2021 a chance (and to everyone playing with demon possession in the name of Charlie-Charlie, I’m judging you- starting nonsense after the horror, sci-fi drama of a year we had last year).

I’ll also love to ask you all to keep me accountable because I think I have used up all the free time I have this year- literally. So, anytime you just want to check up on me, or just ask random stuff, just send me an email on You could also email me stuff like, “Girl, get your act together” or “this isn’t time to exhibit your Nigerian-ness, when is the next column upload”.

Furthermore this year, if there is no hot gist or latest issue that requires addressing, I will like to post with a pattern. I’m thinking story time, gists and bants for the first week, anything law related tips and posts for the second week, book reviews for the third week and for the fourth week, we will be discussing faith, finance, movies and series and of course mental health. Clear right?

So, Jesus girl is saying, let us all pull our shit together. Before we end, I want to share a verse of scripture with you from John 6:50 which says “This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die.”

This is to you all from me; because I don’t think I am great at giving wishes; Happy New Year to the loveliest sugar mommies and daddies that read till the end.

Let’s connect on Social Media; Instagram- Oluwasolafunmi_A; Twitter- @OluwasolafunmiA.



Oluwasolafunmi Adejokun
Oluwasolafunmi Adejokun

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